Welcome to the Centrist Speaks
"Not right or left, just truth. Getting through the media smokescreens and trying to make sense of this crazy world."
To be honest, probably wondering what is the point of another political blog? After all, between Trumpfests, Benghazi hearings, and a few too many debates, many of us are probably done with the political arena.
The future of the United States depends on the
education of its citizenry.
With the media corporations controlling major soundbytes, the reality that the majority of Americans are not extreme left or right in their views is being overlooked.
The TRUTH is that the Centrists and the Independents
will CHOOSE the next president.
My hope is to offer some different perspectives here that do not fit the stereotypes. Some will be unpopular points of view or something that does not seem to gel with the mainstream media. I will try my best to keep the information factual, even if it is an opinion.
If you are wondering about your political leanings, I suggest trying the "I Side With" quiz at the top of the blog. Taking this quiz helped me realize that I was not where I thought I was on the political spectrum. In fact, as you take the quiz, especially the full version, you might be surprised to see where you are on the political spectrum.
Thank you for taking the time check out this blog.
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