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Monday, December 21, 2015

This Ferguson Protester's Sign was Photoshopped and Went Viral

Example: This Ferguson Protester's Sign was Photoshopped and Went Viral
You can fact check this sign here: http://www.snopes.com/photos/politics/fergusonsign.asp

In the original is clearly says:
"No Mother should have to fear for her son's life every time he leaves home." 

Whether you agree or disagree with the riots, the resulting effects on police departments, police brutality, or other issues related to Ferguson, the reality is that many African-American parents do teach their sons specifically how to react outside of their homes in case they are wrongly accused or have a negative interaction with authorities even when innocent, much the same way that women and girls in the US are taught what to do and not do in order to avoid getting sexually assaulted. Do we wish our children could walk American streets safely regardless of their race or gender? Yes. But it is not a reality. So parents teach their children what they can and pray that violence does not enter their lives.

Then the Edit...
The edited version made an entirely different assumption. You can read some of the reactions on the right hand side. You may have even seen this sign in social media.

Some thoughts: 

Who do you think benefits from dividing a nation across racial lines?
Why do you think someone altered this sign? 
Why do you think people were willing to repost and believe this sign?
Do you think that this meme divides or unites?
Who benefits from dividing the American people?

And most importantly: 

Who will win the next election if Americans remain divided?

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